Leiominala Pages

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Wendy Show

My day @ Wendy Was awesome!!!

Her studio staff is hilarious!

Kemar is soo funny!!

Joy was madd nice she called someone who was running late to see where
they were lmaooo before we were seated.

Great team really fun really really fun
Talk to you soon


  1. i wanna go there n present her jus so i can say "how u doiiin"lol

  2. "How you dooiiinn???!!!" LOL!

    Did she have the darker wig on when you went? I like her much better in that one and not so much the blond. Do they party and drink in the audience like she says so often? Exciting! I think I need to relocate! Until then, we live vicariously through your journeys :-)

  3. lmaoo yea her wig was darker the day i was there you're right it does look better
