Leiominala Pages

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jenny from a Basement Affair


WOWWWW OMGGGGGG!!!!!! OMG!!!! JENNY GOT SENT HOME BECAUSE OF NUDY PICS ON THE INTERNET!! O_O LMFAOAOaooaoaoaoaooAoa this is soooo bad thought seriously, because lmiss Jenny was parading around the house like she was soooooooooooooo classy and holier than thou talkin' about she never even had a boyfriend before and then she is all over the internet half nekked lmaooooo!!!!

The one thing I do feel kinda funny about is that Frank was being mad open minded and liking someone outside of his culture and Frank's mom and dad really liked her and thought she was so classy and frank's mom even said that she respected her, and then we find out that she's a total phony so it's like they were open minded about accepting someone of another culture and now they are left with the impression that Black girls are phony, or liars or something. On the other hand she was just one person and she does not in any way speak for or represent a whole entire race ... that would be horribly unfair and realistic >_> <_<

dang this episode was sooooo scandalous!! the first pic above is the picture that Frank found that got Jenny eliminated. bwahahah look at her face!!!!!!!! That's like the best facial expression ever!!!

BTW Jenny spoke out about this and clarified that she was far from butt nekked in the picture lolz and that them blurring out the photo was extra lmao w.e. it was funny.

In Jenny's defense she could have a pic like that online and still be "classy" >_> okay well I won't go as far as classy but just because Jenny had that pic up doesn't mean she was a phony, everyone has their own understanding of the term conservative lmaooooo


  1. lol..i really wish i watched this. Sounds hilarious!

  2. This is a joke.... he made it seem like it was a buck nekked picture... it could have been an advert for a miracle bra.. a commercial... although, this is the first time i have seen this series... I tuned in right at the dismissal ceramony... so, i do not know how she portrayed herself in prior shows...

  3. This isn't so bad.... I thought it was going to be Buck nekked... this could be an advert for a bra type commercial.... I mean give her a break... but, this is the first time I have seen this show... so, I do not know how she portrayed herself prior to being eliminated... I tuned in at the elimination ceramony...

  4. This isn't so bad.... I thought it was going to be Buck nekked... this could be an advert for a bra type commercial.... I mean give her a break... but, this is the first time I have seen this show... so, I do not know how she portrayed herself prior to being eliminated... I tuned in at the elimination ceramony...

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