Leiominala Pages

Saturday, December 20, 2008

MySpace Fakes!!!

Hellooooo out there in reader land!!!, How is everyonee????? Welll now This friday yet another unfortunate soul had to step into my office!! The name of this unfortunate fellow is Nicole, better known as FAKE ASS COLE from a High School in New York. So I found out via, the Leiominala hotline that this fellow/STUD?...>_> from Forest Hills High School named cole was definietly in a relationship with another young lady when she decided to cyber stalk one of her clsssmates. Not only did cole search through everryyy single myspace profile that matched the search criteria for 17 year old male in NY, but after she found the gentlemen that she was looking for she then created a fake myspace with a picture of another gentlemen and hit up her victim. Who even knows who this poor guy who was being imitated was, but I am guessing that she randomly found his picture on myspace and used it for her own weirdo purposes. So then after Nicole makes the fake page with fake friends, and fake comments, she then creates a fake sn and THEN as if this was not enough she contacts the gentle man that she stalked and searched for all over myspace to set up a convo.

So she hits up the dude as if she was the other dude and begins speaking with him. The guy she had search for suspected all along that she was a fake but entertained her anyways. So the momemnt of truth comes when Nicole desparetly asks for the 400 millionth time "ARE YOU STRAIGHT???" ... first of all who even says r u str8 anymore, second of all she is supposedly a proud lesbian IN A RELATIONSHIP!!!!>:O

So the guy immediately recognized this question because she had asked him this in school before in the same weird lingo so he immediatley called her out and was like "U's a FAKE!!!" and Nicole responds with just a "Dam,Dam,Dam" but what I really want to know is why Nicole is concerned with this young man's sexuality, isn't she already in a loving relationship?? >_> or maybe she isn't Maybe Nicole isn't a proud stud after all, maybe Nicole needs some discostick!!!!!! Maybe Nicole is secretly in love with this young man from Forest Hills.

SHE'S DEFINITELY IN LOVE WITH THIS YOUNG MAN FROM FOREST HILLS. Why else would she spend hours online searching for his myspace, creating a fake myspace and sn and going through his whole stupidness to ask the same questions that she been had asked.

WOW thanks Nicole for making an ass of your self and proing to be a cyber stalker!!! It was tons of fun putting your FAKE ASS ON BLAST!! GOOD JOB!!!

Until next time keep it real DON'T be FAKE LIKE NICOLE FROM FOREST HILLS!!

Talk To You Soon!!!

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