Leiominala Pages

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Women in Politics

photo by: babble.com

Recently, I was bothered by how harshly Michelle Obama's attire was being criticized during the inaugural celebration. It bothered me because Michelle Obama is much more than a homemaker and mother. Essentially aside from a senate seat Michelle Obama has the same or superior qualifications than Barack or any other presidential running mate. However, because she is a woman she is being evaluated by her clothing, designers that she chooses, and her style of shoe and hair.

I just do not understand why when women are in the public eye especially when involved in politics they are scrutinized more based on their appearance than their experience. An even better example of this was when Hilary Clinton was involved in the primary race. There were extremely terrible and cruel things said about Hilary Clinton's appearance that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the election.

When Sarah Palin was in the center of media attention she also received more comments on her appearance especially her wardrobe and motherhood than on her experience.

photo by: people magazine

It is important to note that male politicians do not experience the same scrutiny. More often that not a male political candidate will be referred to as handsome no more no less. Regardless to how they look male political candidates are taken much more seriously where as female candidates are picked apart by critics based on fashion not their qualifications to hold office.

This is very sexist and ridiculous I even heard people who criticized Michelle Obama for wearing flats as opposed to heels -_______________-

Heels are not healthy and are just as fashionable as flats. Besides WHO CARES IF SHE WAS WEARING FLATS !?!?!

We are currently living in a time where people both males and females hate and discriminate towards women. Sadly most of the people dishing out the superfluous, criticisms discussed above were other women. This has to stop, women are just as capable as anyone else to effectively hold office and govern. It is very old fashioned and backwards to believe otherwise. Because of discrimination Women have not had the opportunities to showcase their abilities in certain fields.

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