Leiominala Pages

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Epidemic Of Mean West Indians in NYC

Soo there is most definitley an epidemic of evil, hateful, jealous, low self esteem, self hating  mean ass West Indian's in NYC I'm talkin about men women boys and girls...  we all have encountered at least one.  Some of u reading this are that one!  We all know they exist the question is .. are they that way once they come to NYC? Or do they bring that evil attitude with them from whatever island they from?  Are there any significant populations of hateful West Indians in other cities? Tell me what you think...

Disclaimer for people with lower comprehensive reading skills:
I AM NOT SAYING ALL WEST INDIAN WOMEN\GURLS \ PEOPLE ARE BAD, MEAN, NASTY ACTING! This blog post is intended to promote conversation and search for the truth of why SOME of this population chooses to behave this way ..again not all but SOME West Indian's are evil and hateful as hell!  Some West Indian people are very nice and Intelligent, church going godly people :D ...SOME ARE NOT! >:O

1 comment:

  1. I'm from dc and currently live there as well and you are exactly right. You notice how they always have a negative comment ready on the tip of their tongue about black americans? let god deal with them and DO NOT waste your time defending yourself, culture or anything else to them. Regardless of what they want to say about themselves, they have very low self esteem disguised by supposed pride. don't waste your time....
