Leiominala Pages

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Have you ever had someone close to you or maybe even someone that you just had to deal with that drains you? You know the type of person, that is constantly miserable and will not quit until they at least bring down your mood a couple of notches. Yea, well I call those kinds of people Chupacabras. Chupacabras are a type of emotional vampire. A Chupacabra is the type of person who constantly meddles in the affairs of others. They are particularly drawn to happy upbeat people. I suspect that they prefer to prey on happier people because the happier the person the more energy they can steal from them. A chupacabra may seem normal at first and then they will gradually give theselves away, usually with negative comments that will increase in boldness and frequency overtime. Chupacabras tend to try very hard to initially win affection usually with gifts and uncommon thoughfulness. A Chupacabra will diligently build a friendship, and normally display common attractive charcteristics such as a sense of humor, strong ethics, very agreeable, steady and reasonable character.--- BUT THEN!!! the complaints will start. The complaints will begin few and far in between about minor annoyances, and will go unoticed at first. The frequency at which a Chupacabra complains will increase. Chupacabras will try to erode the self esteem of their new victim/friend if allowed. Chupacabras usually are given to vice such as SMOKING, GOSSIP, and EXCESSIVE SHOPPING.

Chupacabras are shape shifters and will only look like the picture above in their true form. Chupacabras will almost always look normal, you can only tell if someone is a Chupacabra in disguise from their character. Chupacabras are usually early risers and tend to be hard workers. Again they display desirable characteristics iniatially, its only until you get to know them that they expose who they really are. Chupacabras will intentionally irritate and emotionally harrass their victim with back handed compliments and sideways put downs. Chupacabras are PRONE TO NEGATIVE COMMENTS. Chupacabras rob the victim of their life energy while the victim is feeling emotional stress, this is how the Chupacabras feeds. Chupacabras appear to be optimistic but when feeding expose a deep set pesimistic minset. I would advise anyone who has discovered that they are dealing with a Chupacabra to limit exposure to the Chupacabra immediately!! Chupacabras are extremely dangerous. Future relationships or dealings with Chupacabras should be avoided at all costs.

If you or someone you know would like to share their experience/ encounter with a Chupacabra please contact the Chupacabra Hotline at leiominala@yahoo.com

Talk to you soon!!

1 comment:

  1. omg, you pretty much exactly described my friend megan. hahahaha right down to the early rising and excessive shopping. i guess i now know what im dealing with. haha thanks. =)
