Leiominala Pages

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Anonymous:Abortion is not about religious rights, but it's a human rights issue. Just like health care for all is a human rights issue, protecting the most innocent and defenseless in society is a human rights issue. In fact, protecting the unborn is the about securing the most fundamental human right...the right to life.

leiomi: not that i am for abortion but protecting them from what??? if they are born they will probably end up being abused, the reality is people are wicked and selfish to no end and if someone doesn't want a child they are not going to care for it properly, as far as adoption and foster care goes the reality is :there are not enough homes for children in need.

so then my next question would be.. we would be fighting for the right for these kids to live as what sex slaves? and who is gunna protect these innocent and defenseless children once they are born?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leiomi,

    I have to agree with you. It's amazing how much people have to say about the issue, but it never quite comes up in this context - of the TRUTH. It is my belief that in a lot of these instances, abortion is being used as a method of birth control and that, in itself, says a LOT.

    In some of the cases, the child was conceived as a result of rape or abuse and not all mothers, forced to bring a baby into that type of situation, can be loving toward that child because it presents a daily reminder of what happened to them. It takes a certain kind of individual to be able to do that.

    I have always felt, as far as abortion, that it should be a case-by-case situation because NO TWO situations are ever the same. I know that would be extremely difficult to do.

    You are right though in questioning "protecting them from what?" because those very people interfering with the decision are not going to step in and take said child into a safer environment, and the system hasn't been all that successful either. In addition to that, adoption is so expensive...I could go on and on, but I won't.

    You definitely present another lens to view this issue through and I can appreciate that.
