Leiominala Pages

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dominic Carter vs. Wife vs. NY State

Dominic Carter seen above with his wife leaving Ramapo Justice center after their hearing. SO Dominic a former NY1 reporter beats his wife uhp and she calls the police and tells them plain as day that her husband is beating her she is in danger. then the police come and the story is the same. Then the trial comes and all of a sudden Dominic isn't the one who was beating her, now the story is that she picked up a day worker and the nameless day worker beat her. -__________________- Of course Domic was found guilty.

I thought is was particularly intersting how outside the court Dominic gave this whole speech about how he grew up with nothing and worked his whole life and this is what he gets, and how he didn't want to be finger printed like a common hood... uhmm if u don't want to be treated like a "hood" then don't act like one. Beating your wife is definitly "hood" behavior. And just because you worked hard doesn' entitle you to assault people or to beat your wife down and then get away with it.. especially after she called the cops on you. I guess she realized how much her life would changee if he went to jail and then switched up the story. W.e. damage already done, and that story was really really unbelievable especially after she already ssaid in her statement, and on 911 reording that her husband did this.

"He later went into the bedroom and called me over. He continued to scream at me, threaten me with his fist, and broke the mirror," Marilyn Carter wrote in the police statement.

"Not answering him in the matter in which he wanted me to he proceeded to choke me twice," she wrote. "After choking me he told me get up and go. Trying to stand up I almost passed out." -Ny Times Nov 23, 2009

I wonder if [see below] was faster than a NY minute

1. the beatdown
2. the ruling
3. Mrs. Carter realizing that she just called the police on the family bread winner
4. Mrs. Carter making up that bogus story about the day worker (lmao)
5. Dominic Carter realizing that his life was changed/ permanently saturated in embarrassment
6. The both of them realizing that the incident was not worth their approaching financial trouble *including foreclosed homes*, Dominic's imprisonment, and the embarrassment about the lies

BTW Dominic is a repeat abuser. He was on charges before for beating his wife and that time he tried to convince the judge that they should drop the case because he was a "high profile journalist" bwahah and friendly with other judges.
Wow Dominic real classy!

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