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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Rihanna's Message

You GO!! Rihanna!! I am soo proud! that statement at the end is the most important piece of advice. If a lot of people in abusive relationships looked at the situation from a third person perspective and used their brain and not their hearts to process the situation an their decisions a lot of abused people would find the courage to leave abusive situations.

I would like to say that women are not the only victims of violence. Many men suffer at the hands of abusive women. Abuse is abuse and it is not okay coming from either partner. I would also like to say that Rihanna is also wrong in this situation because she tolerated the unhealthy relationship and allowed it to boil over to this point. Also it is reported that she hit Chris Brown too. They are both wrong. Any woman/ person who is being hit by a man/ spouse is wrong to stay in the relationship because they are allowing and encouraging the behavior.


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