Leiominala Pages

Monday, August 4, 2008

Ebb and Flow of Life

Someone great once said that it is during the hard times that you see someones true character.

I think this quote is VERY true. Stress can really make people show their true colors like nothing else can. There is just something about stress and difficult situatons that make people shed pretention like a snake sheds old skin. Stressful situations are always painful situations, but it is times like these when you find out who your real friends are, and who you can depend on. The trouble is... making sure that you are behaving like a note worthy person while enduring these difficult times. Of course we ALL try to avoid setting the stage for drama >_> but we all know from experience that drama has a way of finding us.

When drama strikes it is very difficult to remain that easy going, level headed, perky person, especially when life deals you tidal wave after tidal wave of BOLD SUBSTITUTION!!!! >:O. *TAKES DEEP BREATH*

^_^ However, it is always good to keep in mind even during the most trying moments that - this will all eventually settle, and you will probably have to deal with at least some of the same people who are involved in the drama after the storm has calmed. So you might as well behave, sit tight and come out of the difficult time with grace instead of acting they way we all want to act= TWO YEAR OLD!!- when the trials of life come knocking at our door.

We all go through trying times with extremely difficult people, the trick is not becoming a part of the problem and morphing into one of those difficult people.

1. Try ... at least try to stay calm, Remember this will eventually settle and you would like to overcome the issue with grace.
2. Problems are the spice of life without them the world would be boring >_>
3. When all else fails, do what your favorite Superhero would do!!


Talk to you soon!!

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